
Redaktion sehepunkte

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Historisches Seminar
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
D-80539 München

Tel.: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 5550
E-Mail: redaktion AT


Preliminary note

Contributions can be accepted only from reviewers not involved in any way in the publication and whose opinion is in no way predetermined by professional or private factors.

The editorial team assumes that reviews sent to us fully reflect these considerations. In questionable cases the editors nonetheless retain the right not to publish individual reviews.

Advice regarding the content of reviews

Primary criteria for a sehepunkte review:

  1. The review should inform the reader about the structure and content of the book, with a focus on the specific issues and arguments contained within it. It is not necessary to discuss each contribution in a multi-authored volume; mere listing should in fact be avoided at all costs.
  2. The book under review should be located within the overall research context.
  3. The book's particular strengths and weaknesses should be brought out, while criticisms should be clearly backed up with evidence. Polemics should be avoided.
  4. The review should conclude with an overall evaluation of the book.

Advice regarding the form of reviews

All reviews published in sehepunkte are subject to comprehensive assessment. In case the editorial team has questions about your review, we will of course contact you.

To enable us to deal with your contribution as efficiently as possible, please pay careful attention to the following points:

  • Please send your contribution by email to the member of the editorial team who agreed to publish your review.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, your review should reach us within a maximum of three months following receipt of the review copy.
  • To ensure on-screen readability, unless otherwise agreed, your review should contain 5,000-7,500 characters. We retain the right to shorten texts that exceed this limit.
  • Short sentences and frequent use of paragraphs enhance on-screen readability. Please indicate paragraphs by a blank line.
  • Please give your email address and the name of your institution at the end/the beginning of the review.
  • Please avoid using contractions. The author's name should be written in full at all times.
  • Quotations are indicated by ["]. Page numbers for quotations are placed directly after the quotations in round brackets without "p.", e.g. (35).
  • Omissions from quotations are indicated by an ellipsis of three points in square brackets: [...]
  • Please ensure that the "Don't hyphenate" function is turned on in your wordprocessing program. Please use only standard formatting throughout.
  • Please avoid the use of notes unless essential (i.e. to indicate material from other publications).
    Please list your notes at the end of the review. Please do not use the footnotes/references tools provided by the software you are using. The numbers of the references are placed in square brackets in the text as well in the notes, e.g. [1].

The editors hope you will find sehepunkte a stimulating read.

Jürgen Dendorfer / Andreas Fahrmeir / Peter Helmberger / Hubertus Kohle / Mischa Meier / Matthias Schnettger